Friday, December 24, 2010

My take on Holidays.

Don't really like em. Actually I kinda hate em. It brings the stupid
out of people. People are running around freaking out last minute
Christmas shopping. People were early black Friday midnight Christmas
shopping. Since I'm here to save the world from Stupidity, I must say
98% of the world is pretty much brain dead.
I'm a little older, lot angrier, a lot broker, and a lot smarter these
days. I didn't buy Jack crap for anyone for Christmas. I give people
random presents every day. I didn't volunteer or donate, I'm
charitable everyday. I didn't become extra nice for the past 10 days
just because it's the holidays. I'm nice to most people on most days.
The moral of the story: I don't need hallmark or capitalism to dictate
how I should act on certain days. I will take advantage of the holiday
pay and time off, but the Christmas spirit is how we should live
everyday. I personally think it's more special if you do or buy
something nice for someone on say April 3rd. It's more genuine.
Christmas, valentines, thanksgiving, even Halloween, it's all fake. It
shows how people are too stupid to be themselves and need the
corporations to dictate their emotions. I think we should all wear
superhero capes everyday. We should be nice to our parents everyday.
We should all help the economy year round by buying random crap for
ourselves and eachother. Christmas only forces you to be fake, I'm
sure not everyone wants to give crap and accept useless junk from
their relatives. This holiday ain't really about buying stuff for
people. I'm not religious, but I think it's really suppose to be about
the birth of Jesus.

So here you go, I give to you all the gift of common sense and the
idea of keeping it real.

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